Tuesday 15 November 2016

The Plan

Why does it take so long to figure out what you really want?  It literally took me hours to work all this out, what do I want, who do I want to be?

I say hours, I've not just been sat there for a couple of hours, these are questions I mull over all the time, in the car, shower, any time I am alone.

I just had to narrow it down to what I really want to manifest in my life now.

I've narrowed it down to five things, I've chosen a range of things.  Two for my life, something materialistic, one cosmetic and another experience.  Then I need to think of two smaller things to add, things that I could technically manifest quite quickly.  But, let's start with the big things.

1. My Soulmate
2. An Xbox One
3. A Trip to Florida
4. Beautiful Skin
5. Be a Yoga Teacher

The Soulmate - I'm lonely.  I don't just want a relationship for that reason, I'd rather be on my own than be with someone for the sake of it.  I want the real thing, my best friend, lover and soulmate.  I want the fire, and the comfort, and I want someone to laugh with.  He will be kind, considerate, funny, he will adore me.

The Xbox One, a material item I want to see if I can manifest.  A little to see if I can, and a little because I really would love one!

A Trip to Florida, I love rollercoasters and this trip would be my ultimate holiday.  Everyone I know has been, more than once and somehow every time I get left behind.  This time it will be my turn.

Skin.  I'm suffer with psoriasis on my scalp and face.  Oh, and a bit of bacne, of all things at my age! I've used everything, and without going permanently on steriods it seems as if nothing will work.  I just want to look in the mirror and not hate what I see.

Yoga Teacher.  This one is already in progress, I started training in September.  I just love it.  I can't wait to teach, and I'm also really excited about how much there is to learn.  This will be more of a journey, than a manifestation, I think.

There you have it, now I'm off to think up my "smaller" manifestations.....

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