Tuesday, 15 November 2016

The Plan

Why does it take so long to figure out what you really want?  It literally took me hours to work all this out, what do I want, who do I want to be?

I say hours, I've not just been sat there for a couple of hours, these are questions I mull over all the time, in the car, shower, any time I am alone.

I just had to narrow it down to what I really want to manifest in my life now.

I've narrowed it down to five things, I've chosen a range of things.  Two for my life, something materialistic, one cosmetic and another experience.  Then I need to think of two smaller things to add, things that I could technically manifest quite quickly.  But, let's start with the big things.

1. My Soulmate
2. An Xbox One
3. A Trip to Florida
4. Beautiful Skin
5. Be a Yoga Teacher

The Soulmate - I'm lonely.  I don't just want a relationship for that reason, I'd rather be on my own than be with someone for the sake of it.  I want the real thing, my best friend, lover and soulmate.  I want the fire, and the comfort, and I want someone to laugh with.  He will be kind, considerate, funny, he will adore me.

The Xbox One, a material item I want to see if I can manifest.  A little to see if I can, and a little because I really would love one!

A Trip to Florida, I love rollercoasters and this trip would be my ultimate holiday.  Everyone I know has been, more than once and somehow every time I get left behind.  This time it will be my turn.

Skin.  I'm suffer with psoriasis on my scalp and face.  Oh, and a bit of bacne, of all things at my age! I've used everything, and without going permanently on steriods it seems as if nothing will work.  I just want to look in the mirror and not hate what I see.

Yoga Teacher.  This one is already in progress, I started training in September.  I just love it.  I can't wait to teach, and I'm also really excited about how much there is to learn.  This will be more of a journey, than a manifestation, I think.

There you have it, now I'm off to think up my "smaller" manifestations.....

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